Saturday, April 10, 2010

Swedish fish!

I Just arrived in Sweden very early...yesterday morning. I have to say it is quite cold here! It figures because all I brought with me were dresses, tank tops and heels! Brrrr I need my fuzzy boots again, and to think I was all ready to retire them for summer.

It's so funny how I got together to work with Mans Ek. He is one the song writers on my first album (he Co wrote Dangerouz and Find a Way). Here...Mans and Manfred know each other quite well! This is a complete and total coincidence! Mans and I were talking about my first album yesterday and I found out a lot....stuff that made me feel like I was even more fooled with my first album. I believe in having a team...teamwork. I'm not going to get into the nitty gritty details but apparently some people DON'T believe in teamwork. You live and you learn and you are better for it :-)

I was ordering dinner last night at the hotel and the poor waitor had not a clue what I was trying to say. Haha....poor waitor...poor hungry me! Would you believe no Swedish fish in Sweden? I don't understand this! It's a good thing I'm all stocked up on Luna Bars...the best thing I could have packed.

Already recorded two songs today and we're right onto the next one. So I better get back to work ;-)


Hahahhahaha. *Rolling eyes!*

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