Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, New Start

I have been sitting staring at the computer for about a half hour now, wondering what my New Years Resolutions are going to be. I have finally come to the conclusion that I'm not going to make any promises that I can't keep. I've been so lucky, soo so lucky to have so many people believe in me. People that believe that 2010 is my year. Thank you Oliver Meyer, Manfred, John Gordon, Urs, Tommy, Henrick Hylle and everyone else who have helped me realize my vision for my music, thank you for believing in me, and thank you sooo much for bringing out so many sides of myself I didn't know. I know 100% who I am now, and I love it.

2010 I'm ready for you, let's leave everything bad & ugly back in '09. Let's bring on new changes and succeed together.'re mine. 

Speaking of changes, I just got my first tattoo last night. I have been wanting a tattoo for awhile, but I refused to get something that wasn't meaningful to me. A lot of the time so many people have hurt me and tried to make life difficult to live in. I have always wasted time trying to figure out how to get "revenge" on people. I would sit and try to figure out how to make someone miserable.(ugh what a waste of time!!!) That's when I finally figured out I don't NEED to get revenge on anyone! I'm not God, and I don't need to play God. All of my goals require me to work my ASS off, so I got the word "revenge" tattooed on my wrist because anytime I feel lazy my wrist will remind me that the best revenge is success. Success IS Revenge.



Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's almost the New Year...

I'm so excited! 2010 is MY year and I'm sooo excited for all the changes to come. I'm still thinking about my resolutions, but I sill have a day :-)

I also have NO idea what i'm doing on NYE....any ideas?! I have the feeling I'm going out *wink wink*

My bad/good influence :-) Dawn is staying with us for a few weeks, so we of course did another photoshoot. The snow has been so beautiful we've been shooting outside. I'm in love with the shots, and I love how pale I look in them. Im so sick of the burnt orange tan look....pale is in! Just ask the Twilight cast ;-)

Speaking of the movie Twilight, these pictures totally make me look like I belong in the movie. Haha!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I think you'll like me, I think you'll like this!

I'm sitting here sipping hot chocolate and thinking about the year 2009. I can;t believe how fast this year flew by. When I was younger the days seemed to drag on, but now everything seems to sped up! I Haven't updated in a while, but now I finally have a second to sit and write a decent blog.

I got back from Denmark a few weeks ago. It was one of my most challenging trips. I was working with two Sony songwriters/producers. Two different people that brought out so much that was hidden inside of me. John Gordon, working with him was very special to me. He brought out such an emotional side to me, more emotion than I ever had before. John also helped me write my first two songs, which will always be so meaningful to me. When I say my first two songs, I mean first two songs I wrote AND recorded.  I have to say the songs are really bad-ass and they are completely 100% ME. All together John and I recorded 3 songs....3 songs I love. I can't wait to work with John Gordon again early next year and be challenged even more.

I also got to work with Henrick Hylle, he is also signed to a major as a songwriter/producer.  When I first met Henrick he was really crazy and had a great work ethic. We started working right away!! I was singing this certain song a little hard, it needed to be a lot more pop. I kept getting criticisms and direction from these producers...that never happened before, but I wouldn't have it any other way. That night I went back to the hotel and spent hours getting inspiration from Gwen Stefani, Lady Gaga and Aqua. The next day went really great, I became a different person. I took all of my inspirations and made them me....and then the songs came flowing so magically! I co wrote three of the songs we recorded!! They are so much different and ME. It feels so good to finally be in a place where I'm finally finding out who I am, and I'm finally getting to a level that i want to be it. The feeling is absolutely amazing. Again I cant wait to go back to Denmark early next year to work with Henrick and do some more crazy stuff! Much hanks goes out to him because he also brought out a side of me I never knew I had....he also kept me stocked up on gummy candy!! :-)

Since I've been back it's been snowing all the time and sooo soo cold. Christmas was really hard this year because it was the first year I didn't get to spend with my family. They just moved to Nashville (My Dad got a new job) and I couldn't get down there this year. It's so hard because I'm missing so much of my brothers and sisters growing up, I feel like im missing it all. The person I miss most is my Mom, shes my best friend and I can always rely on her for everything. Now when I have bad days I can only call her, I cant see her in person or cry on her shoulder. Mark and Hollywood gave me a great Christmas though...I got everything I wanted and then some. :-) Christmas Eve I made a huge feast and Mark washed all the dishes! Hahaha! That's how it should be ;-). On Christmas Day we all opened presents (Even little Hollywood!) and then played in bed all day watching Christmas movies.
Now the New Year is quickly approaching and I just can't wait! I'll post some New Year Resolutions in a few days... :-) Love to you all. Thanks for being patient for this late blog. :-)

While being MIA for a few weeks I also got a few shoots in! Here are a few shots frommy Blizzard was sooo cold! Brrrr!! I shot with a photog form Orlando, Florida. Kristen was sooo awesome AND she even sat in the snow with me :-D

John Gordan and I...uh...working? :-D

My Christmas Eve Feast....Oooo i was sooo good. Too good. :-p

Hollywood opening presents! She made it soo fun!

She loooves  new Angel ball. :-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

a day without sugar.

Sooo much writing, sooo much thinking. My brain is fried. :-p Going to bed, so I can start early again tomorrow! I really love that my ideas are coming to life.

I'll tell you one thing...I miss American food and my pupppy.

Inspiration of the day:

This is soo beautiful, it actually made me cry. For once Im not posting a Gaga video ;-). Kudos Beyonce you prove to us once again your amazing. I also MUST comment on her shoulder pads...just plain amazing.

Monday, November 30, 2009

It's my first day in Denmark, and man does it feel good to be back in Europe. Something about the vibes here are incredible. I really get myself into work mode, I would work 20 hours a day if they would let me!
My first day working wit John Gordon was sooo much better than expected. We worked really well together and the time just flew by. We recorded a really awesome song which ended up being 100% completely different than when we started out. It's a really catchy pop song, which reminds a little of Gwen Stefani. It's weird but sooo freaking catchy. Weird is my kind of thing!!
I'm jet lagging pretty bad today, I've been up since 3am. I'm staying in a really nice condo all to myself while I'm here. It freaks me out a little bit because I'm alone out in the middle of nowhere. Hahaha, I guess I can spend more time with my brain and write some really bad-ass stuff.

In a few hours I'll be back in the studio putting the finishing touches on the song we recorded and then start writing together with John. I'm becoming antsy like a 6 yr old....

More later...



Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christmas light Dress

Oh my how I covet this. So so beautiful and so unpractical, ugh I have to have it! :-)

Writing went pretty well last night, but I still didn't get as far as I wanted. It's a start and I cant complain, I just gotta keep writing everyday. I can't wait to discover more and more about myself

 This Thursday I have a gig at YSU College. It will be my last gig in the USA for awhile because I'm going to throw myself into my new music and new direction. I will be doing a lot of experimentation at the gig.  January I have a lot of gigs at different venues, just to again experiment with a new crowd and the new music. This all cat come soon enough!!

I'm really into the fall fashion this year. Military jackets, Big bows, bold shoulders, Rocker chains & studs, and black. Ahhh it's all my style.  I found this amazing military hat at a thrift store, I cant wait to wear it out. Fashion this year is also becoming more forgiving, basically anything goes. I love that because I don't get as many strange looks when I go out, then again people might just becoming use to seeing me. Ha! It seems to me that styles keep getting recycled, and so does music. A new style dies and in a couple of decades in reinvented and new. I love it. Thank GOD for bringing the 80's bold shoulder back (but thank god for designers who improved it! Making it more smaller and sleeker!)

I have a long day ahead of me so I better get started on it :-)



Friday, November 13, 2009

Denmark in 14 days

The end of the month is quickly approaching, and if I'm honest with myself Im getting extremely nervous. I'm going to have to be completely open and expose myself to strangers, I'm going to have to show them my soul. That is the only way I will be able to write everything I want to say and everything I feel. I just need a little push...or maybe a shove.  Ready or not Denmark here I come....

I ve been finding inspirations everywhere lately especially with my Lady Gaga. Her video Bad Romance was so amazing, it brought me to tears. Her music isn't just fabulous pop music with a great beat, the words are her diary. She's exposing herself to the world. I look up to her and understand that's what I need to do. The art direction behind the video was amazing too, and the fashion was to die for. OMG the Alexander McQueen shoes....I covet them dearly.

I've been laying in bed for the past three days recovering from Oral surgery. I had four wisdom teeth removed, not fun! I have had my fill of movies, TV, and Jello. I'm going to sit my ass down with my laptop and write. Wish me luck :-)


I NEED these putting them on the top of my Christmas list :-)

This is a shot from my latest shoot with Chris. Stripper cages are always fun :-D

Thursday, November 5, 2009

back to Europe soon!

I've been filling my time with a lot of photo-shoots and with writing. Im heading to Denmark on the 28th to write with John Gordon and Henrik Hylle. They are amazing and I KNOW we're going to come up with some badass stuff. I'm also a little nervous about it because we're all going in with our own ideas, nothing prepared, just stuff we come up with in the studio. That's how Lil Wayne writes all of his songs....he just goes into the studio and out comes magic. That's maybe why im having such a hard time writing.

Winter is getting here fast, but I refuse to give up my high waisted shorts and dresses. I think I have one pair of pants that I actually like to wear....and its a body suit. So I dont think it counts! Anyways the new thing is towear nude stockings. It keeps me warm and I can still wear all of my summer favorites. :-) Also the looks from starngers is always priceless. Im also really into pirate patches and thigh high I just need a Jonny Depp on my arm. ;-)

Here are some photos from my latest shoot with the amazing Dawn Derbyshire:


Saturday, October 31, 2009

New Fan Page

Hey everyone!!

I have a new fan page up and I would LOVE if you could leave me a nice message or a nice memory you have of me. I can't wait to read what you all write!!ästebuch/


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Updates :-)

It's been a really long time since I wrote on my blog. I could make a ton of excuses, but basically I suck! There is sooo much to update you on it's ridiculous, so I'm going to write a little at a time ;-)

 Anyways since the European tour everything has been falling into place perfectly. When I say perfect I mean it, and its so odd to me because usually It's the opposite! Like I keep telling's finally my year.

 Since I've been back to America I signed with Solymar Music....I can't believe how much is being planned in the few short weeks I've been back.

 November 27-9 I'll be in Denmark recording with John Gordon. I can't wait to work with him, I've heard  nothing but the best about him.  I will also be doing some writing sessions with Henrick Hylle! This trip cannot come soon enough!

 In January I'll be attending MIDEM for four days, and I'll be meeting the best of the best in the music biz. It's a little nerve racking but I've been waiting for something like this for too damn long! Check out the's going to be a killer convention. I still can't actually believe that I will be at the World's biggest Music industry meetings! Ahhhhh!  Anyways check it :-)


 That's enough news to take in for one day ;-)....more to come very soon!

Thank you :-)

Hey everyone! It's been about a month since the English Coole Schule Tour and I wanted to personally Thank each and every one of you. I was so nervous coming alone to Switzerland by myself, especially since it was my first time in Europe! The entire experience was very unforgettable and life changing. I felt so connected to everyone in the audience, the questions that were asked we're great! I know everyone put a lot of time and effort into them, and to me that meant that you were truly interested in learning about me and the English language! I enjoyed making everyone laugh and seeing a smile on all of your faces, thats what makes this whole process worth it. The tour was a lot of work, but it was so easy to do because everyone was so excited to have me there and that made me work even harder. I wanted to give you a show that you guys would never forget and I also wanted to be make friends with my new fans. :-) Also thank you sooo much for all of the wonderful gifts! I'm still eating the chocolate that all of you gave me, I had to bring it home in a big suitcase!

Thank you so much for having me come to your school and perform, it was quite a pleasure. The memories of the tour are some of the best I ever had, so thank you again! I would love to keep in contact with you guys as much as possible on MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. I'll be back in Switzerland in January so I'll keep you posted on the details. I miss everyone.....and I send you all hugs and kisses from the USA!!!!!



Swiss Page:

Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm back in Pittsburgh safely, but I want to thank everyone soooo much for everything they had done for me these past three weeks. I the chance to meet and work with some amazing and talented people. I will be back in Switzerland in a few months, and I can't wait.

This post is ALL about the kids from Coole Schule 2009! I want to thank each and everyone one of you who asked so many great questions! It made me feel so good to answer all of your questions and being able to bring a SMILE on each of your faces. I am so thankful to have you guys as new fans. I can't wait to come back and give you an even better show next time! You guys rock!

I love you Switzerland!

Also check out my home page JUST for Switzerland!

Soon I'll post my favorite highlights from the tour! Keep in touch & stay posted! :-)



One amazing week.

Sorry for not keeping you updated! So many amazing things happened this week that I didn't want to jinx anything! Everything happened so head over heels and unexpectedly! A few days ago I was given three songs I absolutely loved, they are very edgy rock but still mainstream pop! A few days later I went into the studio just to record some simple demos, they turned out flipping amazing. I worked with the most amazing producer I have ever worked with...and we have a killer product for just 4 hours of recording! (These demos are going to be used to show as examples...nothing finalized) . I also had a photoshoot for promo, LOVE the turnout as well!. I've never been so happy with everything so quickly....and It's all thanks to Oliver.

This is just the start of something amazing, but this is MY year.
Here are my favorite photos from the shoot!
A smiling picture I actually LOVE :-)


Here are some photos from the studio! We went into the studio after singing at four schools that day! (It was a looooong exciting day!) So many amazing people have recorded here...including Lenny Kravitz!

Here is a behind the scene shot form the photoshoot!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Today i have....

absolutely nothing to do....and thats exactly what I'm going to do. Nothing :-)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sorry for the Delay!

Sorry for the delay in posts this week! I've been so busy with the tour that I haven't had a moment to sit down and write...(This is why I'm writing this post in the car on the way to the next gig) I can honestly say this is the most tiring fun I've ever had! Its a lot of hard work on your body physically and emotionally, It's really draining! It's completely worth it because I know that each and every kid truly appreciates and enjoys the performances (and they are learning too, which is always a great thing!)

The questions they have been asking me are really great! Some of the questions really make me think too, there has only been one question I didn't understand so far. A girl asked me at one of the schools if I ever “did it” with any other singers. I prepared myself for this questions at the beginning of the tour because my tour manager Oliver said the kids might be asking these type of questions. So without thinking about her question I responded with “No, but if Johnny Depp ever came along....Just Kidding hahahaha.” The entire room had odd looks on their faces and didn't quite know what I was talking about. I just shrugged it off and moved onto the next question. Later in the car Oliver asked me if I had a misunderstanding of the question....”I said no...they had the problems understanding my answer.” Here the REAL question was if I ever “Duet” with another singer! Hahahaha!!!

This week has also been odd signature requests! I singed countless cell phones, cameras, bags, clothes, and even abs! Haha, that one was a little odd but I did it! The parents of these kids are going to KILL me! I know if my kid came home with signatures all over their body, clothes, and electronics...they would be dead! ;-)

Must head into my next performance!



Last Day in Paris

I woke up this morning so excited t be in Paris! Today is going to be a really hectic day, I have to go back to Switzerland late tonight because I have more performances tomorrow morning. I made sure I saw everything I wanted before I had to go back.

The main thing on my to do list is to go to the Louvre. The Louvre is the biggest museum in the world, so much history behind the walls. I couldn't believe how HUGE the louver was, miles and miles long! I only got to see a small portion of the museum, but I made sure I saw all of the main art pieces. In the museum I got to see the Mona was sooo small and behind so much protective glass. People have tried to destroy the Mona Lisa before and it also has been stolen a few times. Looking at it I wondered why anyone would try to do such a thing....I could barely get near it, and it angered me how a few people can ruin it for everyone else.

The most moving thing I got to see was Napoleons apartment. It was amazing, every piece, every item was so luxurious! The detail of everything had me in awe.....the bed was amazing too!

After the museum we went to the painting quarter, I got to see some of the painters in action. It was really cool to see how into the paintings they were, they were painting with passion. I learned that the painters had to pay AND get accepted into this special place. These are the painters representing Pairs, and its art. They also make a ton of money off of the tourists!! I got suckered into getting painted by a new age artist. While I was getting painted tons of people stopped to was pretty cool! I loved the painting after I saw doesn't look like me exactly by its an art piece inspired by me. I cant wait to frame it when I get home! I also bought a lot of post cards to everyone I promised I would send them one....Its on its way! :)

To end my day in Paris I had a Crepe....OMGOSH! It was sooo freaking good....I had mine with nutella...another new thing im obsessed with. If I would have known how good they would be I would have got a few more haha! Paris was everything I expected it to be and even more.

Can't wait to visit you again Paris, I love you!!



Me & the famous Mona Lisa

Welcome to my home...haha I wish!
I was sooooo tired from the busy day! So much walking haha!
A painter in the street
Me getting painted in Paris!

Monday, September 14, 2009

First day of Paris!

Tonight I'm writing from the city of romance, Paris! I loved Paris so much more than I thought. I had the chance to stay with 3nity and their family. 3nity is a boy band pop group from France. They are great and have a r&b style to them....the greatest thing about them is that they are triplets!! (Desiree, Olivier,Romain, Sylvain, Vincent and Steph!!!)  I loved them sooo much and we goot along great....funny thing was we had the same humor!

Check out their awesome music at:

As soon as I arrived I the city we went straight to the Eiffel Tower, I couldn't believe how much bigger it is in person. I was shocked at all of the tourists that were there. I learned that Paris is the most frequented touristic spot in the world. Thousands and thousands of people we're just in awe of the tower, there were couples kissing in the street, families taking photos and criminals selling stolen mini Eiffel towers. It was an experience of a lifetime.

We then walked to all of the major city attractions in Paris. I even got to do a little shopping ;-) Seeing the Biggest Louis Vuitton store in the world was also pretty amazing. Four floors of pure pleasure! The most amusing thing about Paris was the street performers, they were all dedicated and loved to make other people happy. Even if it was for a few Euros a day, they got to do what they loved....and they were happy with just that! I got to see so many singers, musicians, and dancers. The coolest thing I got to see was this man dressed as a waiter....he did such amazing tricks and stunts (he did stuff with food, plates, cups, trays and unicycle!)

The most disappointing thing in Paris was Notre Dame. I don't want to take away how beautiful, Gothic and mind blowing the cathedral was it was disappointing to me because the cathedral was turned into a money making tourist attraction. To me Notre Dame is a place to be spiritual and to glorify god in the most beautiful place in the world. The church had a cafe, a small store to buy souvenirs and you even had to pay to listen to the music, to me that stuff should have been saved for a store outside of Notre Dame. Besides that, the church was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I wanted to cry when I looked up into the ceilings and heard the bells. Outside of the church I saw Gypsies dancing in the streets in want of money. Paris has a real problem with gypsies, they are always giving sob stories and begging for cash. At first I was almost fooled by them and the sad stories they told, but my friends (from France) told me it was all lies. I was told the gypsies actually have “classes” they train for, so that they can beg effectively.

Towards the end of the night I got to see the famous Moulin Rouge! It was so glitzy and glamorous, I wish I had time to see a show, but unfortunately there weren't enough hours in the day. Next time I travel to Paris I'm going to make it a point to see a show :-)

After all of the sightseeing we went back to 3inty's families house. I had a wonderful night of eating and talking with the entire family. I thought it was very nice to see them make a point to sit down and eat together as a family and talk about their day. As Americans we're always rushing around and sometimes forget how important family communication is. My problem is I don't cook enough at home OR eat at the dinner table! Haha. When I get back home to America, I made a promise to myself to at least try to make one meal a week AND sit at the dinner table. :-)

Goodnight Paris, I feel madly in love with you today.



Ooooo La La the Eiffel Tower!

ASexy tranny on the street!! Hahahahah!!
A beautiful gypsy dancing in front of Notre Dame.
The funny waiter that did tricks....haha! :-)