Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What a leech.

It never ceases to amaze me how people try to suck you dry. Emotionally, Physically, whatever. It's all what you give them, they get absolutely nothing from me. My blood will be their poison.

I have one more day in Denmark...and its going to be one busy last day. I have so many ideas in my head that I what to get out...so im going to make sure tomorrow I do that. The last song came together as an after thought...we all were starting to get a little frustrated but the idea just seemed to pop up. My head started running a mile a minute so I will be up all night writing so tomorrow we can record it :-). I am going to miss John and Lene so much. I really have a great connection with them both and hope this is the only the beginning of our friendship. We also make a pretty bad ass team.

Soon I'll be back in Pittsburgh....but not for long! I just got news from my manager that I'll be going to Sweden in April to write & record. I was so pleased to hear this because I have always wanted to go to Sweden. So much great music comes from this country. The great Max Martin comes from Sweden.I would DIE to work with him. He wrote hits for Katy Perry, Britney, Backstreetboys, N'Sync, Ke$ha and soo many more. He's a true legend. I also go back to Switzerland again in April to record some stuff with Urs! (I can't wait to play with his doggy, Linn!) Urs also promised to make me my favorite dish, pancakes!

I'm really craving some shoe shopping when I get back. I want some really Victorian looking boots with a peep toe and a super high heel. I saw a wonderful pair of Alexander McQueen shoes that I adored! They are unfortunately out of my price range right now, so let's hope I find another suitable pair in the states. Haha.

I don't have much else to say at the moment...I have a really cloudy mind tonight, so I'm covering my eyes so you don't know what I'm thinking. I'm going to get my butt back to work....Get over yourself.


I love reading the "who wore it better" in the tabloids....so I thought I would have some fun of my own. I never planned to do any of this but this idea popped in my head when I saw Katharine Mcphee and Megan Fox had the same outfit as I did...so hey why not?

Who Wore It Better?