Saturday, October 31, 2009

New Fan Page

Hey everyone!!

I have a new fan page up and I would LOVE if you could leave me a nice message or a nice memory you have of me. I can't wait to read what you all write!!ästebuch/


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Updates :-)

It's been a really long time since I wrote on my blog. I could make a ton of excuses, but basically I suck! There is sooo much to update you on it's ridiculous, so I'm going to write a little at a time ;-)

 Anyways since the European tour everything has been falling into place perfectly. When I say perfect I mean it, and its so odd to me because usually It's the opposite! Like I keep telling's finally my year.

 Since I've been back to America I signed with Solymar Music....I can't believe how much is being planned in the few short weeks I've been back.

 November 27-9 I'll be in Denmark recording with John Gordon. I can't wait to work with him, I've heard  nothing but the best about him.  I will also be doing some writing sessions with Henrick Hylle! This trip cannot come soon enough!

 In January I'll be attending MIDEM for four days, and I'll be meeting the best of the best in the music biz. It's a little nerve racking but I've been waiting for something like this for too damn long! Check out the's going to be a killer convention. I still can't actually believe that I will be at the World's biggest Music industry meetings! Ahhhhh!  Anyways check it :-)


 That's enough news to take in for one day ;-)....more to come very soon!

Thank you :-)

Hey everyone! It's been about a month since the English Coole Schule Tour and I wanted to personally Thank each and every one of you. I was so nervous coming alone to Switzerland by myself, especially since it was my first time in Europe! The entire experience was very unforgettable and life changing. I felt so connected to everyone in the audience, the questions that were asked we're great! I know everyone put a lot of time and effort into them, and to me that meant that you were truly interested in learning about me and the English language! I enjoyed making everyone laugh and seeing a smile on all of your faces, thats what makes this whole process worth it. The tour was a lot of work, but it was so easy to do because everyone was so excited to have me there and that made me work even harder. I wanted to give you a show that you guys would never forget and I also wanted to be make friends with my new fans. :-) Also thank you sooo much for all of the wonderful gifts! I'm still eating the chocolate that all of you gave me, I had to bring it home in a big suitcase!

Thank you so much for having me come to your school and perform, it was quite a pleasure. The memories of the tour are some of the best I ever had, so thank you again! I would love to keep in contact with you guys as much as possible on MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. I'll be back in Switzerland in January so I'll keep you posted on the details. I miss everyone.....and I send you all hugs and kisses from the USA!!!!!



Swiss Page: